
Purpose of Life

There is none but Him in Whom my faith I leave

He created Adam and Eve.

Mankind began on earth

With the children thy hath.


We are born and then we die.

So the question in my heart arise.

Why a life on earth very short to ride?

Yet with freedom and a choice to decide

Much to merry and much to sacrifice.


Must we return to Him through death - the only gate?

Rich or poor, strong or weak, no one can escape.


And on the Judgement Day, we all will rise again.

Then only will we know, if our life on earth was in vain.


For some, there will be paradise forever,

But for others, there will be nothing but to burn in fire.


If this is His wish, why on earth has He sent us for this break?

What test on earth, we are ought to take?


All those who are gone and those yet to come

All are children from those two, but none

Who once lived pleased in paradise.

Where Iblis could make them to entice.


Allah gave the knowledge for them to live

And warning too, for Iblis can’t them to deceive.

And if they fail, what in turn they would receive.

Yet they succumbed for what did they grieve.

They went to eat from the forbidden tree.


They thought they would live for eternity.

There was no guard around the tree.

From the forbidden tree whatever they consume,

That caused them nude and left them in shame.


I wonder, why there must be a forbidden tree in paradise?

And if it is there, shouldn’t be a prohibition in it a surprise?



They come to their senses at the call of thy Lord

“They had the freedom” – only then in them occurred

Regretted  much, Adam and Eve prayed for His mercy

Go down on earth – ordered their Lord with His pity.


Nay, it was not a punishment to send them on earth

The last lesson they needed – not His wrath.


Thy Lord have had planned, on earth to send His caliph

His religion to establish – wasn’t it His motif?


So He gave men the traits that are unique

Freedom, knowledge, love, and conscience.

Adam and Eve passed days on earth in pain and grief

Yet they never had forgotten to worship thy Lord for a brief

They prayed in all their test and trial

Without His grace, love, and mercy they’d feel dismal.


That’s how on earth began the journey of the human race

And, thy Lord sent them every now and then His message.


Because of the freedom they had –

They rule their desire and choice

If in the hereafter they want peace,

Or, life on earth merely to rejoice?


With conscience and knowledge, for which some brag

But it’s meant to choose right not wrong, without a snag.

For the love they have, they gratify thy Almighty Lord

In happiness, or in test and trial, to obey His command.


That’s the way to pass the test  in this momentary life

Then will meet thy Lord with an eternal loving-sight in Paradise.

Don’t you see then, the purpose of this life on earth?

To drown in growing eternal love is the only path.


If we are like His other creations - no option but to oblige

There are so many of those and angels alike.

They are not meant to have growing eternal love

They can’t do or achieve anything beyond and above.


With the freedom, those who obey His command

To enter the door of eternal love - a chance they stand.


Those who have that thirst for endless love

Will run to Him with a repentant heart for that treasure trove.


They remain assured in all their test and trial,

They will for sure find the growing eternal love without fall.


What does He want from us with this momentary life then?

Many of us ask that very often.


Only those have the thirst for that growing love in eternity

Will find the purpose of life and will never feel empty.