Chris Duffy

Shake Down.

Shake down.

Temperature at boiling point
People had enough.
Tired of your excuses
Tired of all your stuff.

Shocked  at your excesses.
Being taken for a ride.
Things are gonna change
The turning of the tide.

From your castles and your mansions
Always looking down.
When the people come together.
They\'ll one day shake you down.

You taught us to accept
The way it’s always been
If we are all born equal.
Why are you supreme?

Addressed by pseudo titles
Bureaucracy on high.
Sword and banners waving
While our sons went to die.

Liars and adulterers.
You never looked our way
You’re trying to appease us.
One day you’re gonna pay.

You ‘ve kept the tiger in its cage.
You ‘ve kept it in your zoo.
If someone leaves the doors unlocked.
It’s coming after you.

You’ve got yourself a system.
A game played by your rules.
People getting wise now.
You’ve taken us for fools.

Wealth plundered by your father’s
From far off foreign lands.
The blood of our descendants.
You wash it from your hands.

Nothing is impossible
Your flunkies have their aims.
Their motives purely selfish
Their loyalties can change.

Poverty’s not a blessing 
Nor paucity a crime
It’s not a gate to glory.
When you ‘ve gone and had your time.

Who  cares about hereafter.
When you’re trying to live today.
The people need a shakedown
They’ll shake it down one day.

You’ve taught it in your churches
Taught people to be tribal.
Your lies and deception
Your version of the bible.

The whole things gone on far too long
The way things are a mess.
It’s time for you to right the wrongs
Pay for your excess.

One day we’ll shake it down.
One day we’re  gonna break it down
People voting with their feet.
Really shake the world, people taking to the street.

The odds will soon be even.
Give everyone a chance.
We\'re going to shake you down one day.
You \'ll do our shake down dance.