dusk arising

bedtime for tiny tots

when time floats over like a breeze
and tickles those sensive furry hairs
on the backs of green leaves

   the moon knows readyness for games to play
   out in that twirl of the wilderness wild
   when lush green forests have ended their day

you and i may wander the path to otherworld
where the flowers sing sweet harmonies
to footsteps of good little boys and girls

   sweet fairys fly low on trails of starlight
   whilst caterpillers all sing the song
   of a special magic, just for tonight

Millie-woo the wood nymph lands at your feet
to fly you throught her wonderland
lucky you, a rare and special treat  

    now up and away to cheers from below
    as her fluffy wings flutter
    who knows where we shall go

above all the woodmice waving up at you
squirrels on their branches chirp
and the cuckoo calls out cuck cuck-koo

.              are you ready
.                 hold tight
.                      because........

The trees want to play their games with you
swishing branches as you fly
a game enjoyed by oh so few
who come here in the night

they like to see your smiling face
and tickle you with their leaves
tickling you in that tickle-y place
tickling you under your sleeves

all that giggling and so much wriggling
Milie-woo flies you out of the woods
in her eye she sees something glistening
lets go see something so good

out in the meadow the snails form a ring
for two hedgehogs to dance the foxtrot
the bees are all singing, the blue bells are ringing
to the howl of the collie dog spot.

the clever moon now peeps an eye
above cotton wool clouds in the sky
for with the tinkling-tink of windy wind chimes
the dandelion has told us the time

all the dancing and singing dies down
as the squirrels now all start to yawn
For it\'s time now to wear a sleepy head crown
and be ready again for the dawn