
Poetic Justice

Love is that four letter word

So soothing

Can and will shock your eyes

You visualize how it will be

Staring into the eyes

Of your soul mate

Seeing all the tears and pain

That brought you to them 

Wanting to heal and make their heart rejoice

Love is that four letter word

That makes it worthwhile

Easy on the heart

But hard on the mind

Only one can dream 

About the amount of love in ones heart

But knowing our reality

Is that 

Love hurts and it’s disappointing 

With those feelings

You remember the times 

Where you couldn’t stop smiling

Up all night waiting on their call or text

Ecstatic when you see them 

Holding them in your arms 

Sharing in the same mental capacity

Love is the difference between 

What you need and what you want

Love is just that four letter word

No one can explain why 

Only how