
Disciples Denial

Tune: Winchester New

(\'Ride on, ride on in majesty\')

Matthew 26 v.30-35 and v.69-75 parts


Jesus said to disciples, they

Would desert Him and run away

For it is written, I shall smite

Shepherd, sheep scattered in that night


But after He has arisen

Disciples they would see Him then

Though Peter said, Lord, though all may

Leave, I will not leave you this day


Jesus said, Truly I say to

You, before cock crows this night, you

Shall deny me three times, yet he

Said, I will no deny you, see


Even if I should with you die

No, I will never you deny

And so  said the disciples all

That they would not stumble or fall


Later there at Jesus\' arrest

Peter denied, and not confessed

That he was with Jesus, was thrice

He said he did not know the Christ


He went out and wept bitterly

Though later he restored would be

Lord, give us courage, that we stay

With you, who stay with us each day