
I Traced It\'s Tail, And Failed;

I traced it\'s tail, and failed. one swoop

bridged lands for soft scooped oil on towers tall but lame

the sea-scope miles from the dutchess breathing mink

her hair awash. tame but stone

eels form. light as old as his dead thighs

her land-fill hips. as pregnant as the cold sun in the Friday eye.

her ovaries. alert but dull. now a skull for the hiding of her thirst worm

her heaving skunk

as drunk as vintage wine that drills her fingers pale.

through aisles of swans where once a short tail grew

as tall as the tower. tall but lame

coiling with the twisting of the last son\'s kill.

flesh form on the god-bone

pilgrim peas on dates as red as crows

all eyes aboard the snow plough. proud but shy.

the sycamore bride. her pelvic groom

taps coded for the west man in his dungarees

a shortened crawl. the purple vein now shrunk.

a thirst dance for the last month\'s dry lagoon

we have yet to chalk the surface of the moon

still wet between the fears

as saturn rings it\'s playground bell

Zimbabwe hell!

where swells and dies the flies on infant child

I traced it\'s tail, and failed. one swoop.

I traced it\'s tail

and failed

one swoop;