Samer Amin





When the water of the sea runs in your veins,




The waves of the sea unite with your daring dancing soul.




The dancing soul that craves for freedom amid these rolling waves.




The long heavy sea waves as it advances towards the shore.




The empathetic rolling waves that did not remove all the traces of the sandcastles of your dreams.




When the sea breeze passes between your facial features and the strands of your hair,




I know that the tears of your cloudy autumn are about to appear in your mesmerizing eyes.




Your mesmerizing eyes that tell me about my country and my people,




who are still alive in your compassionate eyes.




The tenderness of your eyes that always swell with sad tears over my wounded heart,




and pours its merciful rain,




which you always keep it for me amid the passionate clouds of your autumn.




Your love for the dance of freedom among the waves of the raging sea,




taught me that the secret of your beauty lies in your rebellious heart.




Your rebellious heart that is always thirsty for life.




Your stubborn heart that is always able to fill my heart with heavenly happiness,




whenever I hear its beats into my heartbeat.




You reveal to me the hidden secrets of beauty,




when your heartbeat tastes like the water of the sea into my veins.




Therefore, whenever, the pains of my soul get embraced by the shores of Alexandria,




I always find you there,




since you claim to love Alexandria.




Let me tell you the truth, 




you are not only someone who deeply loves Alexandria,




but also you are the Alexandria itself.