
Not Once, But Twice

not once, but twice

when twice; as yellow as the dialled sun where mapped a jewel

on swords that poked and doubted doubt herself

he of the sperm whale white that captured cloth

coved one sudden impact on a suspect clone

not twice behind. not once since sailed a fever on the black bog

have I or all the patterns of the speared eye

ran mocking with the corners of the loose head swim;


the grating of the hard skin in the soft bowel

not once, but twice

the prawn that pricked three titles from the plagued sloth

the wrath of gold. the bath that bathed the beauty of the crabbed moor

it is here when twice, she stalked with mainstream eyes

the cobbled fires that once became an ogre on her nest

as mountains dressed as soldiers, grew each one severed arm

and pounded with their knuckles on her chest;


one letter add. now beast becomes a breast

that fed a thousand ships between a sirens summer fest.

not once. not twice. but three times now the moon

has seen our maiden sink, but rise

each time her flowers bloom;

our mothers earth of decomposing light

god speed and may the storm that flights your stars

be as one with the healer of the sight;


somewhere our castled sea

not once, but twice

with fish-wood waves on dolphins ice

no death has dared live twice;