Tune: Gonfalon Royal
(\'The royal banners forward go\')
John 14 v.26-27
Jesus said that the Comforter
Which is the Holy Spirit sure
The Helper, He the Paraclete
Shall come, and you shall Him true greet
The Father, God, He will Him send
In Jesus\' name, He will attend
To us, He shall teach us all things
All things needed to each He brings
And He shall bring all things unto
Our remembrance, fresh and anew
Whatsoever Jesus has said
To us, all for our daily bread
Peace, Jesus He does with us leave
His peace He gives with no deceive
Not as the world gives does He give
But His true peace that we may live
He says, Let heart not troubled be
Nor let it be afraid, but see
When I go away, suffer, die
I shall rise again, it no lie