
Mystery Manifested

Tune: Lobe den Herren

(\'Praise the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation\')

Ephesians 3 v.4-12 parts


The mystery of Christ

We may understand, shall suffice

Our knowledge of Him, for

Was not known in past ages sure

But now revealed

No longer hidden, concealed

Apostles, prophets show what God willed


\'Tis that the Gentiles should

Be fellow-heirs, planned as god would

And of the same body

With the Jews, partake with them, see

Of His promise

In Christ by the gospel, this

His purpose be that none do miss


It be so that all may

See His plan in salvation\'s day

That heavenly powers

Know by the church what endowers

He does set sure

Upon the church evermore

His manifold wisdom from His store


This be according to

His eternal purpose, we view

Purposed in Christ Jesus

To bring salvation unto us

He our Lord, so

Boldness and access we know

And confidence, faith, in Him grow.