

I\'ve been hit with verbal whips.

And choked with transparent hands. 


I\'ve been scolded just to be molded 

Into someone I\'ll never understand.


I\'ve stared in mirrors for hours 

Just trying to find out who I am. 


I\'ve stood in tears

And let them carry down my fears

Simply because I can. 


I\'ve been called everything that any imagination

Can fathom and produce


I\'ve been deemed unwanted, unloved, and untamed

Compared to an animal

Cast out to the rain. 


I\'ve been bound to the ground by my own mind

My thoughts more enemies than friends


I\'ve dragged my feet through fleets of fire

To find a love I couldn\'t even comprehend.


I\'ve watched my own blood flow 

As it stained my hands

And it painted the lines in my palm

It\'s the only place I\'ve ever been calm. 


It\'s about time I decide will I stand or fall

Will I sink into my memories or walk past them numb.

It\'s about time to stop seeing my soul as a mistake 

That animated the wrong one


I\'ve got so many scars on my body

So many tears tore to nowhere

So many marks, brands, and detailed stamps

They are all nothing more than a part of a map

On the bitter path that I drive

They\'re on a map to show

The slashes in the road that I\'ve survived.