Samer Amin

Before the Fall of the Autumn Leaves




It\'s time to let go of your old sadness and put on a new dress of hope.




A new hope woven from the sun\'s rays,




when the bright sunshine manages to break free through the windows of your high-walled room.




The new hope dress that the seamstress of your eyes manages to sew,




whenever you look at the bright daylight that dispels the darkness still enveloping your walls.




The walls of your room which are still covered with the mournful colors of the autumn leaves.




The sad autumn that shed profuse tears on your walls,




when it saw the confinement of your cherished dreams.




The confinement of your dreams which are trapped in the same veins of the autumn leaves.




The autumn leaves that were growing on the tears of your sadness and despair.




The tears of sadness and despair that dried up when the day lit your way,




and a tiny smile began to appear shyly on your face.




a tiny smile capable of weaving a garment of hope, thread by thread,




when your facial features reflect the bright morning light.




The bright morning light that can sneak around the autumn clouds.




It can also escape your window\'s frame,




and make you able to interlace the threads of lights into a wonderful hope dress,




before the fall of the autumn leaves.