Accidental Poet

Something I have to say.

   In my time here on My Poetic Side, I’ve grown fond of many of my poet-friends. I feel that my own writing has improved greatly while here, and words can’t fully express the gratitude I feel to my readers for the support and many, many encouraging compliments given to me for my writings. I’ve always felt respected and inspired by my readers in how we all converse with each other and our combined love for the written word that compels us to write poetry. This is a community of finely talented poets who write from their hearts and their Muse. I’m honored and blessed to have been among you all.

   Although, there have been a few instances where certain poets here have either disagreed with my writings or has different views on a particular subject. And that’s ok, but in the past year I’ve noticed many alternative views on the subject of believing in God. Not once have I ever meant to offend anyone’s feelings on religion, but occasionally I see where someone takes a very strong attitude against God within a poem I’ve posted. Personally, I myself do believe in God and Heaven. But I except that not everyone believes as I do, and that is fine. Everyone has the right to believe as they wish to believe. But as to why bad things happen in the world or to any one individual, I don’t know. I’m no more an expert on God than anyone who’s against God. Why he does or doesn’t do something I don’t feel is up to us to judge, as we human beings don’t have firsthand proof of why God does or doesn’t do something, or what God thinks, feels or believes. Until God shows himself here and speaks to all of us of why God does or doesn’t do something and all he thinks, feels and believes, I find it hard to believe that anyone of us can side against God. Yes, we have the so-called Bible, but even that is not first hand of God. And someone might say that is why they can’t believe in God. I can’t prove the existence of God any more than an Atheist can dis-prove the existence of God. How much do we really know as facts about God? All I have is my faith in what I feel in my heart to be real and true.

   There are many things about this universe that most of us more than likely will never know how or why they are as they are. So where do we place the concept of God (who we know so little about) within a universe, we know so little about. How can we judge God because something tragic in the world has happened? How can we blame God because a family member has a terminal disease there is no cure for? Why is it always God that gets thrown under the bus for circumstances that are a society related issue? Because God let it happen? For what reason would any spiritual entity want to let harm come to any life form on this Earth? I believe in my heart that there is someone or something bigger than all of us, and that it loves and cares very deeply for us. If there is a God or spirit entity, whether in our image or not, I believe it is the essence of love. And it has instilled the qualities of love in every living thing on Earth. And when a species of life on this Earth comes to the end of its life no matter the cause or reason, that God or spirit is there to comfort and welcome the crossing over of that life to the afterlife.

    I have posted poems mentioning God and I get a number of disrespectful replies from other poets on here, yet when someone else mentions God nothing disrespectful is said. I’ve come to feel like I’m walking on eggshells here within MPS and have to be so careful of offending someone’s beliefs, which is something I would never want to do. I’m not a “In your face” type of person. Anger has no useful purpose on this planet. I hope I’ve not offended anyone, and I’m certain there will be a few nasty remarks left here. So be it, but I need a break. ~ Accidental Poet ~