


recall your childhood
when you were so unaware of being a child
walking with swinging arms
babbling with chatter box like a brook
unencumbered by opinions, beliefs
unspoiled by graces and airs
unaware of age and wrinkles
when everyone was treated the same
open to suggestions, real and fanciful
unabashedly self-centered
used to be being spoilt and gushed upon
tugged like puppet on adult hand strings
so readily swayed by silliness and bribes
yet so hard to be shifted away from this to that
when tantrums popped-up to show displeasure
not ashamed to ask question about difficult things
never caring about the day and date
never caring about being early or late
when all was play, and being creative
with the simplest of things.
Imagining pirates and Jolly Roger.
playing with lumps of wood in sandpit 
seeing dump trucks, and bull-dozers
play embellished with sound effects 
grins and smiles, totally absorbed.

Perhaps its time to bring back 
the childlike love of play, joie de vie
and the simple tiny-handed grasp of life.
showing such freedom, liberté
devoid of consequences.