Ishika Gautam

I\'ll Be There

When the moon starts to faint,
When the sun loses its joy,
When the stars gave up their fate,
And you start feeling like a toy,
When you are away crying,
In the dullness of silence,
When you are secretly dying,
And nothing can make sense,
When the world will hate you,
And you will pretend to smile,
When you\'ll reject yourself too,
And punish your heart without any trial.
I\'ll be there to be your moon,
To wake you up and open your eyes,
I\'ll be there to be your sun,
To adore your beautiful smiles,
I\'ll be there to be your star,
To lead your way out from the dark,
I\'ll be there to cure your scars,
And light your life with a spark,
I\'ll be there to wipe your tears,
And wake you up from the dead,
I\'ll be there when you\'ll face your fears,
To hold your hand full of dread,
I\'ll be there to look into your eyes,
To tell you how worthful you are,
I\'ll be there to keep you out of lies,
And keep the world as away as far...