
There\'s No Chance... There\'s No Way...

Well there\'s really nothing left to say...

I\'ve got to leave, I\'ve got to get away...

There\'s no chance, there\'s no way that I can get myself to stay...

I\'ve already been made to look a fool...

I\'ve stood so tall, I\'ve stood by you though it all...

I was good, honest & true...

You had my loyalty too...

there\'s nothing I wouldn\'t have done for us, for you...

Your not nice, your quite cruel...

You\'ve made me aware of how small I\'ve became playing your insane heart breaking game...

There\'s no chance, there\'s no way I\'m giving you a chance to do it again...

there\'s nothing left for me to gain, you\'ve gone & thrown it away...

No you never loved me at all...

You used me when you felt small...

Coz you knew I could fix it all...

never nasty, never cruel as I said I stood by you...

I stood tall...

There\'s nothing left for me to say, I\'m not angry but I\'m sad... 

fourteen years of my life that I can\'t have back...

Thanks very much...

you know I didn\'t deserve that...

You loved me so little, I wasn\'t worth the fight...

That\'s fine I wont let it keep me up at night...

I hope your happy with your choice\'s...

I hope it was worth throwing it all away...

Once I\'m out the door, You can\'t come near me no more...

I\'m not giving you another 14 years, I\'m not giving you one second more...