
Prayer of Jonah - Minor Prophets Series

Tune: Kingsfold

(\'I heard the voice of Jesus say\')

Jonah 2 v.1-9


The LORD a great fish did prepare

To swallow Jonah there

In midst of sea, and Jonah be

In fish three days, nights he

He prayed to God from the belly

Of the fish, distressed he

Said, I cried by reason of my

Affliction, made my cry


Cried to the LORD, He did me hear

From belly of hell clear

They had cast him into the deep

God\'s words he did not keep

He said, The floods me surrounded

Your billows, waves I dread

LORD, for they have me over passed

I from your sight am cast


Yet I will look again toward

Your holy Temple, LORD

The waters they did me surround

E\'en to my soul were found

The deeps, they closed me round about

You heard my call, my shout

The weeds were wrapped about my head

I was as living dead


I went to bottom of the mounts

From where spring the sea\'s founts

The earth did trap me as with bars

I saw no sky or stars

But you, LORD, have saved me and brought

Up my life, have me caught

Rescued me from the depths of sea

You true my LORD God be


When my soul did within me faint

And was held in restraint

I did the LORD remember, prayed

On Him my soul was stayed

And my prayer unto Him did come

In His Temple, His home

He did rescue me from the deep

I now His word shall keep


They that do observe of lying

Vanities, idol things

They do forsake their own mercy

But I praise you, LORD, free

I make my sacrifice of praise

To you, LORD, and thanks raise

Will pay my vows, say, Salvation

Is of the LORD, \'tis done