Samer Amin

Manipulative Partner




The manipulative partner always plays the role of a plotter who conspires with the enemy in time of war.




They usually align themselves with our difficult surrounding circumstances or our internal personal challenges.




This partner is more ferocious and destructive than the enemy itself at the time of combat.




Since these partners are aware of all the loopholes and weaknesses in their partner\'s psyche.




These weak loopholes that can facilitate the intrusion of our enemies.




Our enemies who can assume the abstract forms, such as our difficulties and tribulations or any tangible physical forms,




such as financial issues or chronic illness.




Because the majority of psychological weaknesses were formed in the psyche of the unfortunate victims during the early stages of their psychological development,




this weak emotional tenderness always remains attached to our deep-rooted fears and our repressed desires.




These deep-rooted fears and pent-up primary desires are the two sides of the same coin.




The only currency all manipulative partners use to deal with their victims.




Also, all these manipulative partners, despite their different styles and characteristics, share the same goal.




It is the psychological control over the souls of their partners,




and getting the upper hand in any given relationship.




Meaning, their partners should develop an emotional dependency upon them as the only source of their happiness and emotional satisfaction.




They often succeed in convincing their victims that they are worthless or merely a burden on the shoulder of the generous existence.




Therefore, they are the only and the unique gateway to happiness and survival of their victimized partners.




But it is truly shameful in this respect that the manipulative partners are themselves victims of great oppression and injustice.




Victims of great oppression and injustice because of what happened to them during their childhood or during their early stages of development.




But instead of thinking of their painful past as a lesson to offer educated help to themselves or the others in the battle of life,




they chose to ally with the forces of darkness, desiring to destroy themselves, which they have always hated,




 and destroying the others.




The others who did not commit any sin except all their trust and love have been entrusted to them.