
Life changing experience


It wasn\'t meant to happen,

But it happened,

Regrets did follow,

Life wasn\'t as it used to be,

It was a life changing experience.


Something not easy to let out,

Nobody knew about it,

It just stuck in your heart,

Tears gushing down your eyes,

Due to the life changing experience.

It was time to stand,

Time to mind your happiness,

Time to build up a future,

Time to move with the clock.


Time to move forward,

The day has 24 hrs,

But yours had 3 more hrs,

Since a second lost,

Was like a missing day,

You kept one thing clear,

Life is what you make it.


You knew that,

In order for one to love,

You have to love yourself,

And loving yourself,

Is creating your vibrant self.
