Samer Amin

Guardian Angel




The castles of the misleading falsehoods perch on the mountains of deceit.




The mountains of deceit which encircle the cities of sorrow.




The mountains of deception whose high peaks invade the sky,




and their mountain ranges obscure the light of the distant and bright horizon of truth.




However, the castles of deceptive falsehoods were shocked at their deep foundation.




They were terrified deep inside,




when you spoke openly about the feelings of your compassionate heart between your eloquent lines.




Your lines that always smell like the fragrance of pure honesty.




The pure honesty that springs only from the hearts of the guardian angels.




The guardian angels who guard the citizens within the walls of the cities of sorrow.




The inhabitants of the cities of sorrow who always seek solace,




the comfort they feel whenever consoled in times of disappointment,




when they look at the soulful eyes of those angels.




Those angels who are able to conquer the darkness of the surrounding nights with the purity of their hearts.




The purity of their hearts that resembles the smile of a newborn baby.




The smile of babies that is capable of generating purity in the heart of the most wretched reprobate.




The miserable one who chose the paths of misguidance as a path in place of the path of guidance.




The one who chose the kingdom of lies as a homeland,




which under its shade, the flames of the sun increase,




and on account of the bitterness of its water, his thirst becomes more severe.




The cities of sorrow which are clever at fabricating lies and more creative at believing their own lies.




But your sincere words that spring from the depths of your heart,




are always able to tell the truth amid the lies of this mysterious world,




whenever you talk about yourself between the eloquent lines of your

 innocent angelic eyes.