Poetic Dan

Low is still a flow

(New highly reactive case)

It\'s always OK at times to acknowledge the days or moments when we choose to go around a problem or the other way, this is not avoidance, its listening to our body and energies needs. 


This only becomes a problem when it becomes the norm, to the point we ourselves get anxious over the tigger! To then start planning all our lives around the issues and can even result in more arising that was never there or just get worse when faced with the stimulate that triggers the behaviour. 


Each dog is unique and needs their own approach but mostly so do the humans of the pack, this is why I don\'t really like being called a dog trainer. I don\'t train them, I block, use redirection, ride the waves with them and wait for that \"magical\" moment of returning back to balance. 


For a person to step into that brave but vulnerable space, to see the difference their energy creates, is my main goal. As for each one helps me push my own moments to not avoid what needs to be done, as we can all need a little help along lifes path. 


As I\'ve recently hired someone just to teach me how to breathe (yoga) and I have no shame in saying it felt silly but yet that first week or two felt amazing, although I\'m slowly making reason to not have the time, I\'m also still doing more than I did, with this a new pattern begins, step by step and inch by inch. 


Everything counts, so be kind to ourselves and make sure to never give up or ask for help. 

There is always someone ready to listen or point the way.