Heart of Babel

[ Apart ]

I know that I’m my truest as an individual

Yet society tends to flock towards congregations

They like to build things together, like they all are integral

Until eventually they call themselves a nation


Now almost every time these actions seem so lofty

Their ideas filled with righteousness and pride

Yet far too often things tend to turn too costly

When they start to fail in seeing eye to eye


Of my personal account, I hate the nation

Where this Religion tends to seep into the mind

For where all eyes are made to see only through doctrine

That is where all eyes lose vision to the blind


The nations, they build monuments and altars

Then alter their history to grace their point of view

Pledging allegiance to their symbols to never falter

And then they utilize these symbols in their rule


Now I have far stepped out of box and out of context

To be in contrast and example of a completely different life

And I know that act has caused in some to anguish

As though a jeopardy to faith that we should always live in strife


This absurdity is a plague that never falters

A mental inhibition set to blotting out the sun

So those in shadow will find comfort in the darkness

As they reign in foolishness seeking to mitigate the son


For God is either evil in this empire so eminent

Or God is only peaceful in an everlasting covenant

What is time-tested, these waging wars or love in testament?

Salvation on the cross or the holocausts of government?


The crowd is always wrong, casting their stones and void of heart

Professing revolutions while only ever showing throne

Sacrificing of the innocent, and that’s why I walk apart

Outside of this Religion that holds no power to atone


© HeartOfBabel