
Color my Day


In pitch black night there is no color, 
For light is color\'s revealer.
In daylight, your eyes see an object as white, when all light is reflected, 
White is all the colors from a billion rainbows, melded.
White light, dissected by raindrops, prisms and kaleidoscope
reveals the full spectrum of colors within.

Light is the palette array from which objectors choose what to reflect. 
You see black, the absence of color, when no light is reflected,
You see grey, when only a wee little light is reflected.
You see red when all other colors from white light 
hitting a surface are absorbed, except red, that is.
The objects and being out there, display the color they choose to portray, 
by excluding all other colors, sucking them in.

Color is what distinguishes the objects and shapes
we see with our eyes, including white, black and greys.
The scene we see is an orchestration of color painted upon.
In Nature it\'s the array colors in the blue sky, white clouds, 
green trees, black cat, white dog, and brown dirt outside.
Inside it\'s the brown door, blue painted walls, green drapes and decorations
In art and paintings it\'s the colors of pigments in paint 
the artist chooses to use and mix together, whatever their source and composition.
In poems and writing it\'s the words chosen to create images 
of the colors of nature, people and objects in the minds of readers. 
And moreover, it\'s the moods, feelings and emotions 
portrayed with colors, bold, pastel, stark and soft.

Color creates dilemmas and puzzles for users.
To a scientist its wavelength and spectrum.
To a chemist is clays, rocks, extracts, mineral and vegetable dyes.
To a decorator or house painter its charts, sample pots and mixed tins.
To an artist its what can be squeezed from pots and tubes and dabbed on canvas.
To a poet its words to create fleeting images of color, emotions, feelings and impressions
in the minds of readers.
The kaleidoscope of color is the milieu of everything perceived in the light of day,
through vision, thought, feelings and soulful emotions.