blood eyes tapping endlessly
as patrons saints piano veins
lullaby of storm
my vampire crossed with fever seven scent
bent as grass
sour to a moons obsessive child
one porcupine
two days beyond a seven sea that numbers Caesars\' crib
bibled neck as black as horse sits on lilac stem
when will this virtuso god stitch fabric to the doorway of my den?
my winterwolf in stitches
in robes of garlic puree dressed as sacron nursing rhyme
my moonchild dies as breathes a cactcus high as heavens Kite
as purple as a naked eye can see and pray fortell
northwinds a southern cross to hell
that swells the courts that judge not winters eye
but paths each and every sociopath
who dares to circle squares that wax my candle dry
words poet with my opium
this day the court of conference dared me cry;
shades as shadows dark as winter broth
alone as Edgar Allen Poe
\"I have seen youth\"
|and died as orthodox
died like timber cross as pathos jew
tuned with death chambered lock and barrowed moon
heroes crowned as werewolves
downed with fathered feathers masked as death
hail one bloody Mary
bleed as fathers do
we are the chosen few
the seven sons of seer;