
Woe be tide at Christmas ⛄🎄

The true meaning of Christmas
All the turkeys have been slaughtered
All the pigs rolled, sausaged and sliced
Farmers have raped the fields of brussels
Not a carrot standing tall in the soil, in sight
The shops a riot, shelves empty
Mountains of extravagant wrapping
Festive green, red and a star or two
Busy hands preparing
Tables groaning under the weight of a mammoth feast
Belching and moaning
Overindulgence of \'Ive eaten too much\'
Staggering while reaching for yet another tasteless mince pie 
The TV blaring Gastly Christmas music
Such rubbish cobbled together tv

Such is family when we share this joy 
Of yet another day in another year
Boxing day arrives
The shops are open
The sales, lets bend the credit cards
After all we\'ve got a year to pay it off
And after all it\'s ages since we\'ve shopped our socks off
We don\'t have enough
And when there is a bargain to be had
Let\'s unburden our obsessions and start the frenzy once more

That rush of excitement as our arms groan under the weight of parcels
Lifting your eyes to ignore the homeless cold man
Feeling snug and proud with all you have

This is the time to visit the charity shops
For all those unwanted Christmas gifts
That \"they\" so generously gave you
Discarding their thoughts, their well meaning gestures
No one will know if you get rid of it
Just you and the unconscious guilt if being