Cygnus X-1

The Issue About Tissues

Isn\'t it funny how people panic
Over the trivial, the mundane?
When there are bigger issues
About which we could complain.

Our world will still revolve,
No one is certain to die
Without people pilling up
Tons of toilet rolls so high!

It\'s an inconvenience,
A troublesome trifle at worst;
And yet, many fretted and worried,
Their lives seemed so accursed!

The Supermarket shelves
We\'re emptied and became bare
Because someone desperate
Listened to a malicious scare.

It was then that the traffic
Caused a blockage hard to clear,
Eventually, when it did,
There was an almighty cheer!

The global panic calmed down
When there was an increase in supply,
And people realized that
The end of the world was not nigh!

Still, we can be certain that
Another panic will be here,
And people will worry again -
Better not be a shortage of beer!