Nandini Karmakar

Heart OR Brain

Heart or Brain
What the brain says,
The heart doesn\'t want to listen it.
What the heart says
The brain doesn\'t want to do it.
There\'s always a conflict between these two
And you never know who\'s gonna rule you
So, whom do I listen to
Cuz both wants the good for me.
One knows pride
Another one is like child
One cares about the image
Another one tells you to take courage
One is always afraid
Another one says let\'s do it.
One tells you to not to do the same mistake again
Another one just make you do that mistake
One tells you to take revenge
Another one says just forgive them
One tries to live in present
Another one can\'t forget the past
One warns you not to love again,
Another one just falls for it.
Between this war with yourself
Who\'s side you are going to take to?