
A Very Personal Holocaust

A Very Personal Holocaust


On leaving the station all the records


She was wearing her Paisley patterned

Sunday best dress ..

Not to mention the very fine shawl

embroidered in gold

by an old aunt, with a silver bradawl ..

But let’s not pretend, that was a whole

life time ago ..

Take my word, how things change in

the blink of an eye ..

For later that day, those same records


Miss Lonneke Cohen was to lose all she

then owned ..

Her hair and those ribbons and the gold

from her teeth ..

Plus a coat and her red leather boots

were removed by a thief

And swiftly replaced with a yellow star

shaped cotton motif ..

Not to mention that six figure tattoo ..

Yes, the one the

now, Ms. Lonneke Wahl still wears to

this day …

On her forearm, beneath the long sleeves

of her blouse

She keeps hidden away .. and as far as

is known ……………………………. She is now

the only surviving family member

Of the late Marsha and Abraham Cohen …