Chris Duffy

Unfinished business,

Do you dare return?
Would you care to gamble ?
To see our fire burn again and view from another angle.

Each story has perspective.
Each participant, a view.
Both selfish, not reflective.
Would we, could we, start anew ?

Would you reconsider?
Take a different stance.
If we still love each other, then it’s surely worth a chance?

Our love was like a fire
Let’s relight the flame.
Somehow we lost each other.
Both of us, to blame.

Our footsteps in the sand.
The tears have washed away.
Let’s take a different path.
Let\'s make another day.

So I’ve laid it on the line
Told you how it is
The future’s in our own hands now
A chance we should n’t miss.

Worked my fingers to the bone
Climbed the high trapeze
But never found a home,
A place where I’m at ease.

Stolen nights together.
Times I can’t forget
Remain with me forever
But the bad times I regret,

So take a little time
Time to reconsider
Take a leap of faith
Jump into the river.