Heart of Babel

[ The Glint ]

So much pressure being weighed

And I am trying not to cave

Collapsing to expectations

Of an anti-dream’s display

I try to dig out from this grave

Under roads that have been paved

Hoping for a breakthrough

Just to see the light of day


So I may finally get some air

Let my life get its repair

Feel my lungs expanding

As I gain freedom from the snare

For I once was bound, caught in err

Trapped and chained within despair

Held, claustrophobic

Hyperventilating fear


Gasping out for a breath

Yet all I tasted was regret

Drowning in the waters

As emotions drew its depths

All gravity held in check

I was suspended and beset

That I scarcely had a will to live

And it drew me to forget


How easily my eyes were blind

How effortless, betrayed the mind

To show me all alone

As though my heart could be confined

And I wonder now, what point in time

Was I convinced to be defined

By fear, maliciously in course

To a submission, so aligned


Wandering, held in contempt

Baring shame at my expense

Both judge and jury’s scornful eyes

On I, the one suspect

Justice served to no exempt

This guilty verdict I accept

Standing at the gallows

With the noose around my neck


How easily, is that first step

When mind is clouded, thoughts in theft

To feel that condemnation

Is to purposefully arrest

To steal your soul and leave you stressed

Identity all but oppressed

Lies, a labyrinth’s endless weaving

To hold you lost and dispossessed


I’ve once dwelt in the dark of times

I’ve once been fooled by tricks of mind

Losing sight of life itself

Seeing no vital signs

And though it burdened great decline

And once held me to feel confined

It had no strength against the one

Who I was in truth, realized


For it only took a glint of light

A flash or flicker shown to sight

To capture the attention

Of the eyes lost in the night

For brilliance, will it seem so bright

That pupils dare not bare the white

Piercing through the veil

So that the heart may know delight


© HeartOfBabel