
Do I Qualify?

That day had come,

I was going to buy a new car

But what would I buy.

Would it be a saloon?

Or maybe a hatchback?

Certainly not an estate,

And definitely not an SUV,

Why would I want to go off road!

I walk into the showroom

Look around at the new cars,

Then I see it,

Sitting there in the middle

Is a sports car.

Should I buy it at my age?

Could I get in it,

And out again?

A young man came over

“Good day sir,”

He said with respect,

“Are you interested in this car”

“Yes I am “ I replied.

“I need to know if you qualify.”

“What do you mean” I asked,

“You need to qualify to buy a sports car.”

“What are the qualifications?”

“There are three of them,

One, are you over sixty years old?

Two have you paid off your mortgage?

And three have your kids left home?”

I replied “Yes to all three.”

“That is great then,

You will enjoy your ride

In the coming journey of your life”