
I Made A New Friend This Summer

I made a new friend this summer
You think it would have been easy
And have happened a long time ago
But no

We have a lot in common
And we even spend time doing the same things
But there has always been a distance
Until this instance

I spent time at home with her
And watched her shift furniture
She put her treasures on display
Herself to convey

She let go of less important things
And cleared some shelves
And opened some windows
Washed pillows

Her social calendar lost its central position
And she welcomed the blank days
When it was only us both
Room for growth

Now she can lie in bed
Or stand in the shower
And I don’t have to talk her through it
Misconstrue it

I was happy to feed her
Food not the enemy
She shied from run-of-the-mill
Even sat still

I made a new friend this summer
I hope to keep the ties strong
You can have one guess who, or two, or three
It was me