Chris Duffy


When you first came to us your life was like the first bicycle we bought you, It needed stabilizers. We\'ve been there to stop you falling ever since.
Over rocky paths and terrain we were there to keep you on track, enjoying the ride and continuing to learn along the journey.
We removed the stabilizers one at a time, keeping you on course. We\'ll continue to do as long as you need us.
Like an injured chick falling from an unstable nest that the cat, or life had toyed with for its own twisted pleasure. We put the twigs back into place, repaired the broken wings so that you might one day fly.
You showed us your resilience, we nurtured it and it continues to grow. Pack it into your cargo hold, you \'ll need it for the journey.
Broken bird we helped you fly so that one day you might leave us to our destiny and yours.
Or will you return to the nest ? The nest of vipers where curiosity draws you in. Is that where you belong?  You don\'t belong to us. You never did.
Moments borrowed  a major part of our life a minor part of yours. Keep looking ahead for the past is all we hold.
Sacrificial fate the journey\'s end. Move ahead and be immortal.
Experience all that life can offer. Do not be enticed by the mundane, the everyday. Sacrifice it only for freedom, joy and above all love.
Brightly colored toys all over your bedroom floor, Mere playthings. Tokens of love. Disposable.
Return and knock on the door of rejection asking why ? It\'s your right. Look for answers but not too closely for who knows what you may find?
We\'ve strengthened your immunity to repudiation. It won\'t trouble you again.                               
Rise and be who you are. Apologize for nothing, for you are not the wrong doer.
Sleep safe child for now is all we can offer you.It is all we ever had.
We dared to love you knowing the fragility of love and life. We willingly took that chance.
You \'ll probably forget us when life\'s distractions take you away.  That\'s OK. Nobody can take what we gave you. Use it wisely.
Should you find yourself influenced by darker things, make your choices whilst remembering that there\'s always a price to pay. Ask yourself is it worth the price now ? Not when it\'s too late.
Make your own choices. Brave  ones, foolish ones, futile ones, but all your own.
Should you wish to swim in darker waters, remember that\'s where the sharks are. We won\'t always be here to keep predators at bay.
Life glorious life. Never tire of it. For one day it will tire of all of us.
Remember above all Remember. Not with gratitude but with love.