Samer Amin

My Safe Haven




In your eyes, my safe haven dwells.




A shielded haven that can only be found in the arms of mothers.




A glowing haven resides in your eyes, 




commands me to expel all the fears that lurk in the folds of my heart. 




A dazzling haven resides in your eyes,




orders me to dismiss all the doubts that sneak stealthily amid the corridors of my heart,




and let the sparkle of your eyes shines,




in the maze of the unfathomable darkness of my depths. 




From the bewitching spell of your voice, the rivers of my dreams flow.




The rivers that irrigate the ruddy orchards of love in my abandoned valleys.




The river of your soft voice that can calm the turbulent conflicting forces in my soul,




and transform my inner turmoil into a kingdom of harmony and tranquility.




A kingdom of unique symphony of the finest melodies, 




you are the only singer who can bring it to life.




The finest melodies of spellbinding chant of a holy magic,




that always flow from your fragrant breath,




when the resonance of your singing fills the universe.




From your pitying touch, stems every cure for my wounds,




when you hold me compassionately during my distress.




The compassionate hold of a mother who crosses the fiery valley of death,




carrying her bleeding son between her arms.




That is why I cannot find any safe haven except between your arms.




The shielded haven that can only be found in your motherly hug.