Poetae Opus


How marvelous I can smile,

By letting my thorns go!


Such a piece of beauty resembles,

An everlasting night,

In which the lovers make a circle

To realize their Wholeness!


Without any drop of bitterness;

I come to you,

As a reflection in a pond;


Your eyes inquire,

What kind of mundane task,

Shall I make holy,


For you can break free,

From your current chain;


I do not mean,

To turn your tablets down,

But instead,


To build a red house,

Whereas lambs are capable,

Of exchanging their pasture,

With the heifers,


For a new beginning is established,

By recognizing how similar they are among them;


As well as to acknowledge,

That even the slightest spark is able,

To burn out an entire land.