Eugene S.

Coronal Mass Ejections

Seething, boiling, eruptions
Aimed at all of those around you
Who can fathom those upwellings
Who can stand before your wrath

It has always seemed so random
When you decide to release it all
But the result is ever the same
The aftermath, the burdens of destruction

Your ruthless energy causes upheaval
Great earthquakes shake our foundations
Cracking storms of energy alert us
To the powerful whirlwinds to come

How could we not be anymore awake
For the biblical tidings you bequeath us
How could we possibly ever ignore
The irreverence of your blinding presence

For I know the sting of your whips
And I ran from their lashes years ago
But age has taught me the lesson
That there is nowhere really to go

Your reach is beyond all measure
And when the time is finally at hand
You can take all I have accomplished
And smite it to dust and rubble

Respect will ever  be demanded
Obeisance is your only reward
For you know nothing of kindness
Of concern for the tortured soul