
Meandering along Schwenksville Road... while listening to SiriusXM Radio

An Autumn like day (August 28th, 2021)

found me and the missus venturing

along unfamiliar roads.


Said spouse manned wheel of automobile

courting entering land of the lost,

nevertheless experiencing zest

she drove as I determined,

whether we went north, south, east or west


her purposefulness deliberately linkedin

delving off course to test

comfort level, interestingly enough

not experiencing feeling over stressed

possibly because place names
(an abridged version follows)

Green Lane, Perkiomenville,

Sumneytown, Upper Salford,

and Zieglerville somewhat familiar,

thus any uneasiness

(straying off the beaten path)


got put to rest

regarding moseying along

our spontaneous quest,

cuz I trend toward anxiety

(and most likely
would suddenly turn gray)

at prospect of trekking into

hinterlands not many miles

away from the place

the two of us call home.


Joyriding not something we

(meaning said married couple in question)

indulge since cost of fuel thee

cannot deny nearly cost an arm and leg

as one who drives regularly can see

the folly spewing gasoline exhaust

tooling around within 2009 Hyundai Sonata

for no rhyme nor reason unnecessarily re:

leasing gasoline exhaust pollutants


into the atmosphere whereby eco police

unlikely accept me to cop a plea

one garden variety bummer
a bloke who strives to exalt glee
crafting poems, and reading as well
ranking his significance no higher than flea

common name for the order Siphonaptera,

dear unknown aforementioned comparison

ye might not agree.