
Sufferings Sensed

Tune: St Michael

(\'The Lord is risen indeed\')

John 16 v.1-4, and v.7


Jesus said,  I do say

Things unto you this day

That when troubles do come, you may

Understand true my way


That you not fall away

I speak to you today

Forth telling they shall put you out

Of your churches, no doubt


Yes, and even the time

When committing the crime

Of killing believers they shall

Say, I do serve God well


And these things they shall do

Persecute, trouble you

Because they have not know me nor

The Father, it be sure


But these things I have told

You that you may be bold

In sufferings, afflictions days

What men may do or say [to you]


So that you may recall

I have said to you all

That troubles shall come, when they do

The Spirit shall help you