Accidental Poet

The Power of Love


A one of a kind lass

From the depths of my youth

So bold was I to see her

As my heart’s one truth


Her name of Sharon

Engraved upon my heart

My introduction to love

A ten year old’s start


With bright eyes

And radiant smile

My knees didn’t stand a chance

My heart there at the end of the aisle


Though she moved away

After only four years

She left me with her smile

Instead of endless tears


I grew up

Never forgetting her face

And never again would I be

In as beautiful a place


In the school of love

With Sharon as my teacher

I’m in awe of all she taught me

Even though I couldn’t reach her


Now I’m fifty-four years invested

I see the power of love

How it engulfs you

Fits you like a glove


It occurred to me

Isn’t it grand

All that love can do

And what love does to a man


To pen poetic words

Showing the passion inspired

From that of a lovely face

That sparked internal fires


She’ll forever have my heart

My first and last love

Eternally unconditional

Thankful of romantic stars above


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2021