
Valium Day

I don’t remember the drive to your house;
just deep breathing you in,
knowing I have to leave again.
The music you play is alive,
like a mystical, mythical creature;
notes form in the warm air,
like the smoke rings you blow.

Limbs are fluid,
the sun an ever distant glare.
Eyes dark
without the need for shades.
All water hot
from a primeval spring.
Not sure my teeth are there
& I don’t care.

Delightful haze drifting across a white sky;
I think it might be clouds,
or maybe I am upside down.
Every movement sweetened,
like learning the miracle of it once again.

Later, at a party,
I overdo it on caffeine
trying to be human,
but speaking another language.
Hits of sugar to sweeten waking sleep,
like wearing shoes just half a size too big,
cause everyone needs extra wiggle room sometimes.

I know I will dream of your room a world away.
Happy Valium Day