
the apologetic generation

We tiptoed around our parents

One look was just enough

We obeyed them out of respect

For we thought they knew their stuff

Then in-laws took their place

We slunk around them all

Trying not to fall from grace

Cos we thought a time would come

When we would beat the drum

Our fallacies proved quite hollow

For our dreams we could not follow.

Our children are now grown up

And are now in quite full stride

They are concerned about our health

So by their rules we must abide

We hesitate to cross or hurt them

Or make them toe the line

As long as they are happy

It’s hunky dory and fine

Somewhere, along the way

Where did we lose our voice…

No one can guess it though

For we have still our poise.

To the rude, to the haughty

To the wicked, and the naughty

We are always saying sorry

For we are their timid quarry.

The lockdown has thus proved

That though strong, we are meek

For in the face of calamity

A compromise we do seek.

So our generation although tough

Is not yet quite so rough

We bow and scrape to all

So that we may not fall

That’s why I feel though strong

I am still a little weak

And though I can be bold

I prefer to stay just meek.

Because :

I am a part of the apologetic generation – I bow to both the one that preceded me, and listen carefully to the vocal one that followed me…