Born when winds are warmest
When the sun shines high o\'erhead,
When the sea tempts and tantalises
And picnics are most oft spread.
Of his mind and heart a genius
We leaf through each printed page
Still warm thoughts, yellowed by time.
His sweet words like music assuage
Anxious souls in need of relief;
Times of serene quietude
Are enhanced and magnified
Like a carefully played etude;
His words dissipate the discord,
The wild cacophony of the World;
Thus, eager hearts gently open
Like laurel leaves lightly unfurled.
Shelley showed such sensitivity,
Such insight for one young in years,
A maturity rarely matched
By the Great Masters, or his peers.
Effulgent emotions emanated
Profusely from his potent pen;
Now dear reader, refreshed and elated,
Savour his thoughts once again!