Isabel Szurlej

Fight (from Pirates Songs)

  1. FIGHT

The night woke up and spilled the stars in the sky

She left some of them around her neck

For her devotee moon

The brightest loner in the iron mantle

Will come soon


Tides and winds were jostling Ocean Pearl

It was lazy eight at open deck

We drank rum smoking clay pipes

Splice the mainbrace

Quartermaster started to sing

Some of us were dancing

Some followed him and

Our voices merged into one note

Forgetfulness took us with it until

It was time for the last signal of bosun

To pipe the crew down but all went wrong

We have not seen the steel blade

That cut the throat of quartermaster

Though we had his sticky and warm blood

On our faces and there was only silence.

Suddenly captain\'s scream broke the air:

We are under attack!

All hands on deck!

Get spadroons, take blunderbusses

Hold pikes!

Damn ye…!

Someone damaged our rudder!

Madness, the attacker is not in sight

Though we felt that massive, destructive power

At top of the mast

This incarnate evil could remain invisible

But for some reason it chose to materialize

It appeared as the naked body of a girl

Floating on a chariot over our heads

Cladding in loincloth and

Spikes at the elbow pads

Her fiery hair were fluttering with sails

The sword was glistening on back

We couldn\'t take eyes off her

Because she was so phenomenal

Her gaze wandered among us

Looking for someone

Suddenly she stopped in a front of captain

He aimed the flintlock but

At the same moment he recognized her

He named her Annabel and surrendered to her

Red hair devil waited a while before

Skewered his heart in one single thrust

Bravest man was killed

Give no quarter!

You’re goona die, girl

But look!

Did you see that?

Bloody demon cries

Rick Cahoon jumped to her with axe

Touched only sky

Brand pierced him soon

Fell by Captain Grey

We died in turn

Wounded Bill asked in a whisper:

Where are we heading?

My eyes perceive Fiddler\'s Green

And right after he added:

I discern the shape of Davy Jones\' misery

Tim assaulted her with a marlin spike

Demon remained intact

Pounded brass knob on Tim\'s skull

She launched her sword with a great force and

Ricocheting off other objects

She was in all places at once moving at a speed

Than the human eye couldn\'t process

Pieces of her images wrap us tight

Taking away our freedom step by step

At the last moment of the brisk of the air

Viscera tasted sweet breathing once more

Till wrath of the ocean sucked us and

By mysterious power we have become ghosts