Samer Amin

The Scandalous Delusion




The charming morning chirping of a songbird hails the bright light of your morning.




Your gentle ray of glory spreads out at the first ray of your daylight.




Your dazzling beauty becomes revealed in the morning when you exhale your brilliant light.



Your gorgeous light that declares its eminent beauty through the joyous immigrant morning.



The immigrant morning that passes over the fertile and arid lands,




till it shines over the scent of your fragrant flowers.




Your dazzling light is a whisper of hope that passes by the inert buds,




and awakens the drowsy flowers in the variegated orchards.




The colorful fields that was enshrouded in a misty night the day before.




The long night that folded the flowers of hope under the thick roof of a sky of illusion.



The egregious black darkness that has always claimed that the smiling face of the morning is one of its wondrous signs.



The scandalous delusion that always directs the nighttime travelers towards the opposite direction of your route.



The travelers who have embarked into a long journey,




seeking a purpose and meaning for their lives.




The travelers who have never been guided under a misty black sky at night before.




Since they are still not sure, if the faint light in the distant horizon, is sunrise or sunset.



As they are still misled by the blackness of the night which claims to be the splendor of your daylight.



Because they have grown up in the depths of the labyrinths of the caves of the pitch-black nights,



and have never seen your cheerful radiant glory in the morning before.