

I always wanted that fairytale 

Now I know that dreams gone stale

I don’t see that pretty picture anymore 

All I can see is you getting bored


I want you to hold me 

Like you used to

I want you to kiss me

Like you promised you would


Now I’m scared and alone

Just waiting for you

But your mind is lost 

And your gone for good 


My fairytale got lost with you

You were the one 

I wanted to get married to

But instead I’m here 

Just building my life

Cause the fairytales always told me 

You were right


I needed you 

But Now I’ll just show you what all I can do

And when your done being bored

You’ll learn what it’s like to be ignored


I wanted you to hold me

Like you used to

I wanted a kiss

Cause you promised you would 

But now I’m strong and alone

Not waiting on you

Your mind is lost 

And Your gone for good