A Boy With Roses

Plagued Bones

My body is telling me to take care, to create oceans and stars. My body is begging for nourishing words, saying put down your hands and rest. My soul agrees with the darkness, cause when I look at the colossus metallic light beaming from the sky above me, I think to myself, I don\'t want to be awake. All I want to do is sleep and dream of electric sheep, to be wild and seventeen again. Everyday I stop in a pool of regret, a solar system of kisses bleeding in a theatre of wonders bigger than a red moon landing. Heartbreak in solitude. All the thoughts and pains that leak from me leave me dry. So now I\'m a piece of barren land, an unexplored canvas, an artist with an eternal ache for hands. Hope is a warm mouth. Every hole filled with love-letters and flowers, every shy glance at tomorrow. I see it in you, so masterful and as big as a dying cosmos. Change when it\'s unfolding but a transparent sea is pulling me back into night.