

I don’t wait for a turn to speak
when I listen
you wonder what I see;
not merely a reflection of myself
in your golden iris,
but deeper still,
somewhere beyond
the spaces between words.

It unfolds ever so slowly,
sweetly, delicately;
trust takes its time.
Unwinding like the ribbon of
a river trickling from
its mountain source,
amassing momentum
on its quiet journey.

I give it my deep attention
somewhere inside
where the true self resides.
The one we can never know or express,
the one that’s silently at rest,
perceiving pore by pore
& always gently wanting more.

So much we cannot articulate in mere words.
Read my tangled thoughts,
try to find my mind
in words I’ve underlined;
build them into a prayer
to more than subtle devotion.

Because to care
is just to care
without any expectation;
you are not mine to own
or to be tamed,
but my freedom has become yours
to know