
The World Of Books

The world of books

each new book opened

each new page turned

opening up a new path to walk on,

a new world to explore;

flying off on a magic carpet 

to faraway places...

sleeping in tree houses,

walking through enchanted forests

where the magic fairies fly

with their sparkling wings!

where elves help you find your way;

where talking animals

frolic and play.

Meeting epic heroes!

brave warriors!

Solving mysteries

finding treasures..

A world enchanting

magical, romantic and thrilling...

Each new day that dawns

filled with an adventure

something to look forward to...

Years pass by

and the world changes 

but books, still the same

as captivating as ever!

the intoxicating smell 

of a new book 

as nostalgic as ever!

The journey through 

the world of books

goes on and on ,never tiring...

cherished, held close to my soul...