Heart of Babel

[ Backs ]

How do you not acknowledge truth?

You simply turn away

Appalling is the thought

And yet it happens everyday

I wish I had the nerve

But I just could not say

All the things I wanted to

Would never be relayed


The quicksands of ambition

Avoid the confrontation

Let the fool prevail

Without challenging damnation

Watching their destruction

Their absence of creation

Washing from my hands

As it bloodies up the basin


Could have spoke the truth

Could have rose to challenge

Could have tipped the scales

In the hopes of bringing balance

Instead I remain silent

Watching without valiance

Too weak to speak release

And mesmerized by malice


Who am I really

If I don’t walk in love

Willing to watch assassins

Quench their fill of spilling blood

With the option just to speak out

Rather then standing numb

Seeing life unravel

And I, it’s silent judge


Still, I see

And still I remain silent

Still, I gleam

At this display of violence

Flashing right before my mind

And I am not defiant

An audience entertained

As the lusting of a tyrant


Truth again evaded

By the turning of my back

Left to consequence

And it’s unending wrath

Every step that I have taken

Has been upon the worn paths

For all have turned their backs

Against the courage that they lack


Too ashamed to be acknowledged

Too fearful of reproach

Too much comfort in their lives

To all that they devote

That to swim against the current

Is a struggle to their soul

Besides, what is life

If you’re not in control


You see, power is enticing

And let’s just all assume

That these paths we walk in comfort

Have all become quite smooth

At such little inconvenience

That I know what I’ll choose

But I could never say for sure

‘Cause then, I’d have to face the truth


© GaratheDen

© HeartOfBabel