The elder poet

the hardest thing to do isn\'t dying.

The hardest thing to do isn\'t dying.

It\'s living . Trying so hard every day to make life better.

Doesn\'t always work.Losing the one\'s you love is hard.

Saying good bye to the people in your life. 

The one\'s that had your back.


The one\'s that you could talk to about anything.

The one that always made you feel good. 

The hardest part isn\'t dying.

It\'s having to watch that person . That loved one.

Go through the pain . The look in their eyes .


Knowing that their time is short .But not so short as to ease their pain .

Oh . You think they are going to a better place .

That\'s crap. Something to make you feel better

But they are gone . Never to say the words you want to hear .

Hey there brother .I miss ya . Lets\'s go out for a while. 


I lost my older brother to cancer . It\'s been several years now . 

But I look at his pictures and I see the pain. 

Me a thousand miles away. Not being there for him.

Not going to his funeral . Why ? Because I did\'t want to remember him .

The way I saw him last . Withered away to nothing.


Hurt in his eye\'s . Now hurt in mine. And in my heart.

For the greatest brother I could ever had.

Jim . I love you . And I miss you. You will always be with me .

In my mind and most of all in my heart . Rest in peace.